My goal in offering this series of Quick Tips is to give you some specific things to do to get a good draft for your project and to overcome the stress that many people feel when they have to do a major writing project.
Really, all these tips come down to one thing. Set yourself up to have success every time you work on your project.
First, by planning your writing project along the lines I’ve suggested in these posts.
Second, use the ideas I’ve talked about to make progress each time you work on your draft. That can come from big things like finishing a chapter. Or figuring out how to break down a section that is too long into more manageable chunks. Or from little things like finally finding the right wording to explain an important detail.
However it comes, figure out a way to move forward a bit each time you work.
And that progress is the best antidote I know to the stress of writing.
If I can be of help as you work, use the contact form to get in touch.
Happy writing.
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